The Artist Summary in Hindi

The Artist is a short story composed by the Japanese writer Shiga Naoya. द आर्टिस्ट जापानी लेखक सिघा नोया द्वारा रचित एक लघु कथा है। This story expresses the traditional look of teachers and guardians towards the students. यह कहानी छात्रों के प्रति शिक्षकों और अभिभावकों के पारंपरिक रूप को व्यक्त करती है

The teacher and the guardians think that spending time on things other than studies is only the wastage of time. शिक्षक और अभिभावक सोचते हैं कि अध्ययन के अलावा अन्य चीजों पर समय बिताना केवल समय की बर्बादी है।

In this story, Seibi is a twelve years old school going boy. इस कहानी में, सेबी एक बारह साल का स्कूल जाने वाला लड़का है। He is keenly interested in gourds. वह कद्दू में उत्सुकता से रूचि रखता है। He tried to involve him in polishing gourds whenever he got time. जब कभी उसे समय मिलता है वह कद्दू को पोलिश करने में मगन हो जाता है।

His father did not like it. उसके पिता इस सब चीजों को पसंद नहीं करते He told Seibi to sing Naniwabushi ballads. वह सेबी को नानीवबुशी बैलेड्स गाने को कहते थे। But Seibi tried to continue his hobby in spite of his father’s open dislike. लेकिन अपने पिता के खुले नापसंदगी के बावजूद सेबी ने अपना शौक को जारी रखने की कोशिश की।

When he got time कभी भी उसे जब समय मिलता he went to the market and collected gourds of different sizes. वह बाजार जाता और विभिन्न अकार के कद्दू को इकठ्ठा करता

One day he bought a five inch gourd from an old woman. एक दिन उसने एक बूढी औरत से पांच इंच का कद्दू ख़रीदा। This particular gourd appealed him very much. इस विशेष कद्दू ने उसे बहुत आकर्षित किया। He took it to school वह इसे स्कूल ले गया and began to polishing it under his desk.  और उसे अपने डेस्क के नीचे पॉलिश करना शुरू कर दिया। One day he was caught red handed by the ethics teacher. एक दिन वह नैतिकता का पाठ पढ़ने वाले शिक्षक द्वारा रंगे हाथो पकड़ा गया teacher became very angry with Seibi शिक्षक सेबी से बहुत क्रोधित हुआ for neglecting his studies and playing with gourds. पाठ की उपेक्षा करने (नजरअंदाज करने) और कद्दू के साथ खेलने के कारण

The teacher took the gourd with him and following Seibi to his home. शिक्षक ने सेबी से कद्दू छीन कर अपने पास रख लिया और सेबी के पीछे-पीछे उसके घर तक पहुंच गया। The father and mother of Seibi scolded him सेबी के माता और पिता ने उसको डांटा-दबारा and broke all the gourds. और उसके सारे कद्दू (तरासे हुए कद्दू) को चकना चूर कर दिया they told Seibi not to do again. वे सेबी को दुबार न करने की हिदायत दी

Thus, इस तरह, we see that हम देखते हैं की the teacher and the parents did not care for the interest of the child. शिक्षक और अभिभावक बच्चे के शौख की परवाह नहीं करते हैं। This is an injustice to children. ये बच्चो पे एक अत्याचार है

The Artist Story pdf in Hindi

The Artist is an English 100 Marks prose (short story). It is written by renowned author SHIGA NAOYA.

This is the sixth chapter of Rainbow Part-2. Rainbow Part-2 is an English 100 Marks text book. It is taught in Bihar school Examination Board. In this post we are going give you detail explanation of The Artist story in hindi and english. It is a classical work of SHIGA NAOYA

The Artist story pdf in Hindi. This post is the best video explanation of The Artist. Those Students who is pursuing 12th From Bihar Board and opted English 100 Marks as a subject, This post Hindi Translation of The Artist By SHIGA NAOYA is best post for them. In this post you can read the pdf file of The Artist Line By Line Translation in Hindi Please do subscribe to our youtube channel if you think that The Artist Line By Line Translation in Hindi, is an informative post for you.


The Artist Question Answer in pdf

Where did Seibei live?

Ans: Seibei lived in a small harbor town which was officially a city but one could walk from one end to the other in a matter of twenty minutes.

सेबी एक छोटे से समुन्दर के किनारे वाले शहर में रहता था जो आधिकारिक तौर पर एक शहर था लेकिन बीस मिनट में कोई भी एक छोर से दूसरी छोर तक चल कर जा सकता था।

Which types of gourd did Seibei like?

Ans: The type of gourd that appealed to Seibei was even and symmetrical. उस प्रकार का कद्दू जो सेबी को आकर्षित करता था वो सुडौल और समतल था. (सेबी को सुडौल और समतल कद्दू पसंद था).

He did not care much about the old, gnarled (नार्ल्ड), peculiarly-formed gourds usually favored by collectors. वह आमतौर पर कलेक्टरों द्वारा अनुग्रहित पुराना, ऐंठा हुआ, अजीब तरह के कद्दू पर अधिक ध्यान नहीं देता था

Why did the conversation of his father and his friend make Seibei laugh inwardly?

Ans:  the conversation of his father and his friend make Seibei laugh inwardly because. अपने पिता और उसके दोस्त की वार्तालाप सेबी को अंदर ही अंदर हंसने पर मजबूर कर दिया क्यूंकि

The Bakin gourd that had made quite a stir at the time, वह  बेकिन कद्दू जिसने उस समय बहुत ही हलचल मचा रखी थी, (हर कोई उस कद्दू की तारीफ़ कर रहा था) when he had gone to see it  जब वह (सेबी) इसे देखने गया था  he had found it rather a stupid-looking object उसने इसे एक बेकार सा चीज पाया (उसे ये कद्दू बेकार लगा था)  and had walked out of the show. और वो प्रदर्शनी से वापस चला आया था


The Artist Objective Question

1. Seibei’s parents knew that_____.
 [A]. He Is A Dunce.
 [B]. He Is A Lazy Boy.
 [C]. He Often Went Out To Buy Himself Gourds.
 [D]. He Is A Wicked Boy.
 Ans:- C

2. What did the teacher do after seeing seibei polishing gourd in class room?
 [A]. He Appreciated Him
 [B]. He Got Angry
 [C]. He Complained To Seibei Parents
 [D]. Both B & C Are True
 Ans:- D

3. Seibei’s father fetched his hammer and…………..
 [A]. Hit On Seibei Head
 [B]. Broke The Seibei Leg
 [C]. Hit On The Wall
 [D]. Systematically Smashed The Gourd
 Ans:- D

4. Seibei didn’t appreciate baken gourd because…………….
 [A]. It Made Quite Stir
 [B]. It Is A Stupid- Looking Object
 [C]. It Is Just A Clumsy Thing
 [D]. It Is Very Big In Size
 Ans:- C

5. Seibei’s mother was………… softly.
 [A]. Weeping
 [B]. Laughing
 [C]. Sobbing
 [D]. Howling
 Ans:- C

6. Who was selling dried permimmons and oranges?
 [A]. Seibei Father
 [B]. Seibei
 [C]. The Porter
 [D]. An Old Woman
 Ans:- D

7. The porter sold the gourd to a curio-dealer for………. yen.
 [A]. 30
 [B]. 40
 [C]. 50
 [D]. 60
 Ans:- C

8. What did Seibei do Whenever he passed a grocery, a curio-shop or a confectioner’s shop?
 [A]. He Asked The Shop Owner For A Gourds
 [B]. He Stood On End To See The Gourds
 [C]. He Looked For The Gourds
 [D]. All True
 Ans:- B

9. To whom did Seibei purchased five inches long gourd?
 [A]. From A Wealthy Collector
 [B]. From A Curio-Shop
 [C]. From A Grocery
 [D]. From An Old Woman
 Ans:- D

10. Seibei lived in a harbour……………..
 [A]. Town
 [B]. City
 [C]. Village
 [D]. District
 Ans:- A

11. Seibei was now…………………….in his picture.
 [A]. Busy
 [B]. Absorbed
 [C]. Gripped
 [D]. Engrossed
 Ans:- D

12. The teacher was particularly angry because………………..
 [A]. Seibei Was Not Intelligent
 [B]. Seibei Was Absent In Classroom
 [C]. Seibei Brought A Gourd In An Ethics Class
 [D]. Seibei Was Twelve Years Old Rude Boy
 Ans:- C

13. Seibei often went out to buy himself______
 [A]. Oranges
 [B]. Dry Persimmon
 [C]. Gourds
 [D]. All True
 Ans:- C

14. When was Shiga Naoya born?
 [A]. 1873
 [B]. 1883
 [C]. 1893
 [D]. 1856
 Ans:- B

15. What did Seibei do after realizing his mistake?
 [A]. He Sighed All The Way Home
 [B]. He Smile All The Way Home
 [C]. He Laughed All The Way Home
 [D]. He Felt Ashamed All The Way Home
 Ans:- C

16. Seibei’s father……….. Him by the collar and gave him a sound beating.
 [A]. Pick
 [B]. Grabbed
 [C]. Throw
 [D]. Fetch
 Ans:- B

17. Seibei was passionately interested in………………….
 [A]. Baking Gourd
 [B]. Sake
 [C]. Gourd
 [D]. All True
 Ans:- C

18. What was Seibei’s hobby?
 [A]. Collecting Dry Persimmon
 [B]. Collecting Gourds
 [C]. Collecting Tea-Leaves
 [D]. Collecting Oranges
 Ans:- B

19. Seibei’s father worked at………………
 [A]. Government Office
 [B]. Gourd Stall
 [C]. Confectionery Shop
 [D]. Carpenter Shop
 Ans:- D

20. Whenever Seibi passed through the market, he searched for the___
 [A]. Dry Persimmon
 [B]. Gourds
 [C]. Collector
 [D]. Curio Shop
 Ans:- B

21. Seibei was……………… old and at……………….. school.
 [A]. Twelve Years, Primary
 [B]. Ten Years, Primary
 [C]. Ten Years, Secondary
 [D]. Twelve Years, Secondary
 Ans:- A

22. The old woman asked………………… for the gourd.
 [A]. Ten Yen
 [B]. Twenty Yen
 [C]. Thirty Yen
 [D]. Fourth Yen
 Ans:- A

23. What a splendid gourd !’ thought Seibei, but actually it was___
 [A]. Oranges
 [B]. Dry Persimmon
 [C]. Old Man’S Bald Head
 [D]. None Of These
 Ans:- C

24. Which gourd had made quite a stir?
 [A]. A Bakin Gourd
 [B]. A Symmetrical Gourd
 [C]. A Five Inches Long Gourd
 [D]. None Of These
 Ans:- A

25. Seibei applied_____to get rid of the unpleasant gourd smell.
 [A]. Sake
 [B]. Tea-Leaves
 [C]. Hammer
 [D]. None Of These
 Ans:- B

The Artist Objective Question (From 26 To 49)

26. The teacher made complain against Seibi to his______
 [A]. Father
 [B]. Mother
 [C]. Grand Mother
 [D]. Both A And B Are True.
 Ans:- B

27. The porter sold the confiscated gourd to ……….
 [A]. A Teacher
 [B]. A Curio- Dealer
 [C]. A Wealthy Collector
 [D]. A Confectionery Shop
 Ans:- B

28. ______unfurls before us the world of a talented boy.
 [A]. The Earth
 [B]. The Artist
 [C]. A Marriage Proposal
 [D]. None Of These
 Ans:- B

29. The curio-dealer pass the gourd to a wealthy collector in the district for………. yen.
 [A]. 10
 [B]. 600
 [C]. 30
 [D]. 40
 Ans:- B

30. At the agricultural show which type of gourd was displayed?
 [A]. A Bakin Gourd
 [B]. A Symmetrical Gourd
 [C]. A Five Inches Long Gourd
 [D]. None Of These
 Ans:- A

31. Seibei saved up the sake from the dregs in his___cup.
 [A]. Mother’S
 [B]. Father’S
 [C]. Teacher’S
 [D]. Porter’S
 Ans:- B

32. Seibei laughed all the way home because he………………….
 [A]. Saw A Ten Inches Long Gourd
 [B]. Realized The Mistake
 [C]. Did The Mistake
 [D]. None Of These
 Ans:- B

33. The curio- dealer sold the confiscated gourd to ……….
 [A]. A Teacher
 [B]. The Porter
 [C]. Wealthy Collector
 [D]. The King
 Ans:- C

34. Who is the main character of ‘The Artist’?
 [A]. Seibei
 [B]. The Teacher
 [C]. The Porter
 [D]. Shiga Naoya
 Ans:- A

35. ______Story expresses the traditional look of teachers and guardians towards the students
 [A]. The Artist
 [B]. A Pinch Of Snuff
 [C]. The Earth
 [D]. None Of These
 Ans:- A

36. The old woman, sold the gourd to seibei in…………… Yen
 [A]. 10
 [B]. 60
 [C]. 30
 [D]. 40
 Ans:- A

37. Seibi knew every place that sold____
 [A]. Fruit
 [B]. Oranges
 [C]. Dry Persimmon
 [D]. Gourds
 Ans:- D

38. Seibei was caught red handed by his_____teacher
 [A]. Science
 [B]. Maths
 [C]. English
 [D]. Ethics
 Ans:- D

39. What did Seibei see when he was strolling along the beach?
 [A]. A Bald And Elongated Head Of An Old Man.
 [B]. Vindictive Teacher
 [C]. Father’S Friend
 [D]. A Big Ship
 Ans:- A

40. Shiga Naoya was a celebrated Japanese_____writer
 [A]. Travelogue
 [B]. Short Story
 [C]. Essay
 [D]. All True
 Ans:- B

41. You’re an idiot!’ who shouted?
 [A]. The Teacher
 [B]. Seibei Father
 [C]. Seibei Mother
 [D]. The Porter
 Ans:- A

42. Which of the Following at first sight looked quite commonplace?
 [A]. Tea-Leaves
 [B]. A Bakin Gourd
 [C]. A Symmetrical Gourd
 [D]. A Five Inches Long Gourd
 Ans:- D

43. Why was Seibei’s mother sobbing softly?
 [A]. Because Seibei Bunk The Class
 [B]. Because The Teacher Tout Her
 [C]. Because Seibei’S Father Beat Her
 [D]. None Of These
 Ans:- B

44. When the teacher confiscated the gourd, Seibei’s face was_____.
 [A]. Red
 [B]. Blue
 [C]. Black
 [D]. Pale
 Ans:- D

45. What did the Seibei do to get rid of the unpleasant gourd smel?
 [A]. He Used To Apply Perfume Onto Gourd
 [B]. He Used To Apply Tea-Leaves Onto Gourd
 [C]. He Used To Apply Spray Onto Gourd
 [D]. He Put Gourd In Sun To Dry
 Ans:- B

46. Seibei wandered about the town looking for_____.
 [A]. Wealthy Collector
 [B]. Porter
 [C]. Stupid- Looking Object
 [D]. Gourds
 Ans:- D

47. What did Seibei father do as soon as he heard what had happened in the classroom
 [A]. He Called The Seibie And Explained His Mistake
 [B]. He Started Beating Seibei
 [C]. He Shouted At Seibei
 [D]. He Appreciate The Seibei
 Ans:- B

48. Why was the porter astounded?
 [A]. Because Seibei Gave Him A Beautiful Gourd
 [B]. Because The Curio-Dealer Offered Him More Than Expected
 [C]. Because He Found A Gold Coin
 [D]. None Of These
 Ans:- B

49. What was just a clumsy great thing?
 [A]. A Bakin Gourd
 [B]. A Symmetrical Gourd
 [C]. A Five Inches Long Gourd
 [D]. None Of These
 Ans:- A

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